Flirting is a fabulous way to re-connect with your own beauty. A while ago after my divorce, I was feeling pretty awful about myself. I felt fat and ugly and had an extremely low sense of self-worth and I knew I had to snap myself out of it. At one point, I made a conscious decision to be more generous with my compliments. I realized I was lacking a recognition of beauty around me and thus was blind to it in myself. I was numb to all the wonderful things in my life because I was so wrapped up in my own misery, my own problems and was feeling completely rejected and depressed. I wanted to pay attention to it around me so I purposefully began to find beauty around me and to share what I noticed aloud. I started to compliment everything that I found attractive, beautiful and admirable. It was as simple as complimenting a woman on her beautiful eyes or a man on his great tie.

Everywhere I went, I admired the great care received by an attentive waiter or the extra bit of information supplied by the DMV representative. Watching people light up from my simple words encouraged me to ramp up my efforts. I was constantly giving compliments and one day soon afterwards, I was waiting for a table at a restaurant and a man came up to me, he touched me on the arm and he said excuse me, I just have to tell you, you are stunning. I was so taken aback by this and so touched by his gesture. After composing myself, I said wow, thank you so much. I’m sure he noticed my own light shine brighter and the smile that said he made my day. So what happened? Because I was noticing beauty around me, I was in essence becoming that which I recognized. When you give a gift, that gift multiplies. When you are able to see beauty in someone, you’re actually seeing the beauty in yourself. As you see kindness in others, you’re able to see the kindness in yourself. When you’re able to see the strength, or any glorious nature of somebody else, you are able to see that in yourself. Everything around you is a reflection of you and you are saying hello to your own gifts, to the beauty and power within you. When you do that, it’s almost as if I were to hand you a $100 bill. I would assume you would be happy with that, right? The beauty of this is that when I hand you the $100, I get to keep mine. And you now have the ability to share your $100 bill with someone, to pass it on and magically, you get to keep it as well. And so it is with the playmate, she makes people feel good and other people want to make her feel good in return. I can’t even begin to tell you how many hotel upgrades I received just by walking up to the counter and asking“How are you?”, or“You have a beautiful smile”. I don’t do it in a manipulative way. I’m just happy to be there, and happy to have someone kind to me and I make it a point to share that with them. I do the same thing at the grocery store. When was the last time you looked up and made eye contact with the checker and said hello, a real spirit to spirit hello, silently saying I see you and think you are fabulous. You become extremely attractive and guess what, everything starts to become attracted to you . . . people, resources, money, gifts, compliments, everything starts to flow towards you, because you’re radiating a beauty and abundance that truly is tangible.

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