Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements beautifully illustrates the power of language and being impeccable with your words. The CEO Feminine Archetype is likewise, impeccable with her words. Language is a significant dimension of the CEO because she understands that creation begins with the word. Nothing comes to fruition, nothing gets created, and nothing gets manifested until we put words to it. When she announces a goal to the world, “I will start a successful business in 12 months”, every cell of her body aligns to make sure it transpires within that time frame. When she describes something, that determines her perception of that thing, and ultimately becomes her experience. The CEO understands that a woman doesn’t see something and then describes it, in actuality, she describes it first, then is able to see it, and finally it becomes her reality.

Words are extremely powerful. If I send you a letter berating you or accusing you of something, you will have a reaction. You may get upset with me, you may be angry, you may even want to announce to everyone why I am a horrible person for sending you such a letter. But the fact is it’s just words. I haven’t done anything to you, yet those words are still extremely powerful. Words create feelings, words move energy, and words motivate us to take action. When we are true to our words, we harness the power to have and create anything we want to create.

When you tell yourself you will get up at 6am and push the snooze button 3 times and fight with yourself in the morning to get up, you weaken the power of your words. When you promise your child that you will bake cookies with him Friday evening then complain that you are too tired and negotiate another time to bake, you lose your influence over your child and your own life. You’ve lost trust in yourself and your child lost trust in you. Then when you tell yourself you will get in the best shape of your life, foregoing the gym for a night out with friends seems like a viable option, since you never really meant to stick with your goals anyway. Your subconscious mind will guide you in making decisions that don’t support what you really want, which is to get in shape, but will support you in what you’ve trained it to do, to disregard anything you say. When you dilute the power of your words, you are not able to manifest and create all you want without a great deal of effort.

Conversely, if you are impeccable words, only saying what you intend to do and you follow through, then you are able to create all you want with a powerful force. It may feel as if something is pushing you from behind towards all you want. When you tell yourself you will be at your appointment by 3pm and are on time or even early, you gain trust with yourself, trust with your subconscious mind and confidence in yourself and your ability to have, be or do anything you say. In the bible, it states “In the beginning was the word”. There is great power in the word, which, if harnessed, will give you everything you want. You will then find when you write down your goals, nothing will stop you from achieving them. When you decide you will do something, nothing will get in your way to taking your steps to victory. When you say “I am” and fill in the blank with whatever it is you decide, you will become that.

So today, I invite you to be impeccable with your words. Do what you say and say what you do. Make your word law and follow through. Don’t make agreements you do not 100% intend to keep. Then decide what it is you want, set clear intentions for yourself and put those into words. Notice how powerful your words become and how mountains will begin to move to make your word your reality.

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